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To strengthen your business end to end which includes links, advice, resources, access to events, training & development, advocacy, grants & funding, business assessments, and communications.WeVysya organizes regular meetings where our members can interact and network with each other. One of our objectives is Grants & funding, we help to connect with Angel investors, VCs and Banks. Every house will have regular meetings 15 days once.
Choose Your Membership
Privileged Membership
1,00,000₹Â- An annual exclusive meeting
- Preferred seating at "Manam"
- A special lapel pin
- Certificate
- Investment opportunities
- No annual renewal fees
- And Many more
Regular Membership incl GST
10,620₹Â- Website (Micro Site)
- Access to Regular Meetings
- Access to Events
- Access to Trainings
- Global Exposure
- Business Enquiries through Social Media
- E-Newsletter
Membership is Subjected to Approval only, WeVysya reserves all rights to approve or reject the application for membership.
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